Vitamin E Oil For Naturally Glowing Hair And Skin

Last Updated on July 14, 2020 by Janie Wilson

When we talk about skincare and the cosmetic industry, there is one unfortunate thing that we often encounter: marketing hype. Products are often thrust upon customers. Though these products, more often than not, prove to be useless stuff. And yet people often fall a victim to cheap advertisements that grab their attention.

Let us take the case Vitamin E oil, which, of late, has given birth to so many products. A lot of research has been going on these days about this particular vitamin which has so many benefits. So, it would be worthwhile to talk at length about the benefits of Vitamin E oil for hair and skin. Thus, dispel some myths that surround it.

When companies advertise about a skin product, Vitamin E oil becomes the focus of attention. Yes, this ingredient is advertised as a prominent feature of that particular product.

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Now, what exactly is Vitamin E oil?


Let us start at the very beginning. Well, Vitamin E is an ingredient that is commonly added to skincare products. It is a powerful, fat-soluble antioxidant that can rejuvenate your health. As well as your beauty. It includes a group of eight compounds that include both tocopherols and tocotrienols.

It works as an immune booster, promotes blood circulation, controls blood sugar level, keeps the heart healthy and strong. It also prevents a person from stroke-induced brain damage and gives protection against certain types of cancers. There are a lot of good dietary sources of vitamin E and they include olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, spinach, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, nuts as well as whole grains.

The hair and skin benefits of Vitamin E also are quite well- known. You can find a plethora of beauty products that have vitamin E as its main ingredient. One can easily purchase pure vitamin E oil or vitamin E capsules to use it in home beauty treatments. Unless otherwise advised, anyone can use these remedies until he gets the desired result.

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Here are the top 6 benefits of vitamin E oil for hair and skin.

1. Promotes hair growth

Vitamin E has a lot of antioxidant properties that help naturally repair impaired hair follicles and stop tissue corrosion, which in turn encourages healthy hair growth. It also conditions the hair from root to shaft to make it healthier and shinier and even helps prevent premature graying.

vitamin e oil for hair and skin

What you should do?

Mix the contents of 2 vitamin E capsules in 2 tablespoons of warm olive or coconut oil. Then, massage the mixture onto your scalp using your fingertips in circular motions. You will have to wait for 30 minutes, and then wash your hair as usual. Repeat this hair growth treatment twice or thrice a week.

You may also massage your scalp with coconut milk, leave it for half an hour, and then rinse it out with lukewarm water. Do this a few times a week. Also, don’t forget to include vitamin E-rich foods in your diet. This will provide better internal nourishment to your hair.

2. Fades scars

Another beauty benefit of vitamin E is that it can help fade scars or dark spots. Being an antioxidant, it accelerates the healing process of damaged skin. It also prevents scars from becoming a permanent feature of your skin. Besides, its moisturizing property keeps the skin moist and hydrated. Thus, helps repair damaged tissue.

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What you should do?

The process is very simple. Apply the oil extracted from a vitamin E capsule on the affected skin. Massage it for a few minutes. Allow it to sit for at least half an hour before washing it off with warm water. Do this twice daily and stop only when you are satisfied with the result.

3. Fights wrinkles

You can use vitamin E to get rid of wrinkles, dark spots, and other signs of aging. Vitamin E is more important than other ingredients. It has the power to reverse the damage done by hazardous solar radiation and the free radicals in our environment. It even gives a fillip to collagen production. This adds elasticity to your skin and prevents the telltale aging signs like wrinkles.

acne-treatment-worksWhat you should do?

Apply the oil from a vitamin E capsule on the affected skin every night before going to bed. Leave it for the night for the medicine to work. The next morning, wash it with clean warm water.

You may even massage the affected areas with warm olive oil, a rich source of vitamin E, twice or thrice daily. Well, what about the food? Eating vitamin E-rich foods regularly indeed is a simple and effective way to fight signs of aging.

4. Takes care of skin hyperpigmentation

You may also use vitamin E oil to treat hyperpigmentation of the skin that causes uneven color and dark spots on almost any part of the body. Being an antioxidant, vitamin E oil has the ability to reverse the damage done by the damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun.

What you should do?

Nothing much really. Mix the contents of 1 or 2 vitamin E capsules with 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Then apply the mixture on the affected skin before going to bed and leave it like that for the night. Wash the affected area the next morning with lukewarm water. If you use this natural remedy daily for a month, you are bound to get positive results. Or, you may also use vitamin E oil to massage the affected skin for 10 to 15 minutes twice daily. Do this for over a month to reduce the effects of hyperpigmentation.

5. Softens rough and dry hands

Vitamin E is a great moisturizer for taking care of dry and rough hands. It helps keep your skin soft, supple, and moisturized. Apart from this, it prevents the skin on your hands from sagging, which makes your hands look lusterless and old.


What you should do?

Mix a little vitamin E oil with the body lotion you use. Apply it on your hands to keep them moisturized for a longer period.

You may also add the contents of 2 vitamin E oil capsules, lemon juice, and some honey to a small tub filled with lukewarm water. Now, soak your hands in it for about 15 minutes. Let it dry up and then apply some moisturizer. Follow this remedy a few times every week and you see your hands glowing with health. Alternately, you may massage your rough hands with some warm olive oil for a few minutes daily before going to bed to enjoy soft and supple hands.

6. Removes ugly stretch marks

Whether you have stretch marks on your body due to pregnancy or sudden weight loss or gain, you may try vitamin E to wipe out those marks.

Thanks to its powerful natural antioxidant properties. It protects the collagen fibers in your skin from free-radical damage. Vitamin E oil can take care of stretch marks and promote skin elasticity.

What you should do?

Mix the liquid obtained from 5 vitamin E oil capsules with an equal amount of fresh lemon juice. You should massage this solution on the stretch marks for about 15 minutes. Leave it that for about 30 minutes, and then rinse it with slightly warm water. If you do this daily for a few months, the stretch marks will fade gradually.

You may even massage the affected skin with warm coconut or olive oil 2 or 3 times a day for better results.

Wrapping Up

To sum up, we have tried to give you a list of the benefits of Vitamin E oil for the hair and the skin. These are very easy solutions that anyone can do at home without external help. Instead of going to a skin expert and spend a lot of money buying expensive medicines and creams that generally do not work, you can try out these simple remedies for the growth of your hair<span data-offset-key=”99mo6-2-0″>. Also, for a better, healthier, and youthful skin without blemishes.

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Janie Wilson
Janie Wilson

Janie Wilson, a former fashion model and photographer, dedicated beauty expert and prolific writer on all topics related to fashion, beauty, hair and skin care. I started this website a few years ago when I felt that I have had enough of a hectic lifestyle and need to settle down. Presently, I live with my loving-and-caring husband in New York, but I travel around the world pretty often to derive inspiration for my fashion blog. Yes, let me admit that I am fairly obsessed with anything related to fashion and style. All things from fashion to grooming are things I study all the time whenever I get an opportunity, and my biggest joy in life is to help men and women look their best!